Join us here for series 1 finale rewatch, chat starts at 8pm, and we press start at 8:30pm!
We also wanted to ask how people think the rewatches are going. Is there any thing that we could be doing differently? Are people happy with the time, day, the amount of time we have to chat before we start?
Have you been kidnapped by low tech pirates, cornered by a frisky dragon or caught up late at work? (All equally vexating, but I'd like to know what circumstances to sympathise with)
Well, I took the precaution of having a serious hair cut today - neck and ears feeling the evening coolth for the first time in ages - also window is open to the max and the front door's ajar - this may turn out to be a mistake if the local fox does his evening laps and takes it as an invite to visit up close and personal...
Hope you've put your pillow in the fridge for later on, Su?
Time absolutely fine, thanks for asking - it was going home to mother for two weeks and forgetting to pack the box set that was the technical hitch... sometimes I just have to channel my inner doofus...
Indeed it is - from the BBC- that caring organ of education, entertainment, information and ludicrously premature series' cancellations, - a tip they put on their news site today under something like "how to stay cool in the heatwave" - OK not their best titile ever, but they meant well...