Hi, Star - well if it's not Harold Macmillan I'll feel a proper Muppet for following him with Harold Steptoe.... break it to me gently if I've been starting up red herings...
yes it was Harold Macmillan, a connection to the macmillan coffee morning referred to by Marigold. Nye Bevan was the fella who started the NHS so it could've been him with the medical reference.
Ah, Harold MacMillan! D'oh. I knew that I new the face but couldn't recall his name. And yes, thought maybe Nye Bevan because MacMillan > Cancer > Medicine > NHS! With the Steptoe and son photo my brain didn't get further than "You dirty old man!"
I don't get the link between the iron and the photographers though.
The best pub in Lancaster. no juke box or slot machines, sausage and mash with a choice of over 20 types of mustard all washed down by a pint of lovely beer, a live jazz band on a Sunday and folk band on a Thursday. Great student days.
Well - I've just moved house - to the flat next door - just under two hours to the key-handing-back deadline, and nothing left here in the old place but me, the radio, the phone and the internet connection (the last two should have switched to the new place on Friday but BT bungled it and got the date down as 6 November, for some reason not even known to them)... so I'm making the most of cyberspace for now... might have to take a raincheck for this week's rewatch, as I'm trying to head north tomorrow for half term with the aged parent and suspect that travelling light might be a good idea, as I imagine entire trainloads of folk abandoning our transport and meandering on foot up the train tracks, vaulting windswept sheep, trees, yokels, as we go.
i just googled chocolate and it came up as a news item, cant say I fancy them. love this logic about chocolate being salad, reminds me of when we worked out how much carrot cake you had to eat before it would count as 1 of your 5 a day.
I've seen haggis-flavoured crisps, which I wouldn't mind trying, and Guiness-flavoured ones which sound like an affront to respectable Irish beer and potatoes everywhere...
Carrot cake is a happy thought... but this might be a bit more seasonal